Dr.'s Blog

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In our quest for healthier living, many of us are seeking alternatives to refined sugar that not only satisfy our sweet cravings but also align with our wellness goals. Fortunately, there’s a wide array of natural sweeteners available, each with its unique flavor profile and health benefits. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the […]

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Bone broth, a culinary staple that has stood the test of time, holds a revered place in traditional cuisines across cultures. Beyond its rich flavor and versatility in recipes, bone broth boasts a treasure trove of health benefits that have been recognized for centuries. In this blog post, we’ll journey through history to explore the […]

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Here is an amino acid that has gained a lot more attention amongst health gurus over recent times. Let’s see what all the hype is about!! Glycine, a simple amino acid, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes within the body, yet its health benefits are often overlooked. (Amino acids are single molecules – […]

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A post on CHOCOLATE was necessary. As, it’s one of my favorites. That, I consume allllllllmost daily. And I think you should enjoy it too šŸ˜‰ I’m not talking about just any ‘chocolate’ though. Many of you have heard of ‘dark chocolate’ being healthy. Which, sure, it can be. Many products are still loaded with […]

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The human body is a marvel of complexity, with intricate systems working seamlessly to sustain life and vitality. Among these, the spine and nervous system stand out as pillars of our physiological function, serving as the central command center for our bodies. In this article, we delve into the captivating world of the spine and […]

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Although I love the vast majority of fruits out there… Berries may just be my overall favorite. Berries are not just delicious; they are also packed with an impressive array of nutrients and compounds that make them worthy of the title “superfood.” Among the various berries, blueberries stand out as nutritional powerhouses, boasting an abundance […]

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Why do we encourage our patients to do “Vibration Therapy” after an adjustment? (… why WOULDN’T we when there are SO many amazing benefits???) An essential component to our approach when it comes to corrective chiropractic care is retraining your nervous system and corresponding nerve receptors, muscles, proprioception, etc to develop and maintain structural and […]

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Nebulizing 1. Wash Hands: 2. Assemble the Nebulizer: 3. Add substrate (hydrogen peroxide): 4. Place Medication in Nebulizer Cup: 5. Attach Mouthpiece or Mask: 6. Connect Tubing: 7. Check Airflow: 8. Breathe Normally: 9. Continue Treatment: 10. Clean the Nebulizer: 11. Storage: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/nebulized-peroxide What to put in: 1/4 tsp magnesium flakes in 10 ml of […]

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“Losing weight” has conjured up more of a negative perspective lately. Between societal shifts, changes in values, normalization, and the lack of positive support . It’s just become an awkward topic all around. It is particularly relevant when nearly 70% of the population is overweight or obese. Almost 40% obese. And we know carrying this […]

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‘Here we go again…. Another “New Year, New Me” “This is MY year” “I’m going to do all the things, and be my healthiest self yet” We’ve ALL been there. Whether or not you’re a “New Year Resolutionist”, or not. Post holidays, and a fresh start to a New Year, does bring a time to […]

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Let’s get real for a second… Most people know they “should” be healthier during the holidays, but here’s what they don’t tell you: The average American gains only 1-2 pounds during the holiday season (NIH research), but what’s CRAZY is that most never lose it. Year after year, this creates a snowball effect that accounts […]

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Why Your Kids Can Benefit from Chiropractic Adjustments By adolescence, kids may clock in up to 11 hours of total screen time every day. Most of that time, they sit in a slumped position or a way that doesnā€™t properly support the spine. Overall, modern life neglects the support a healthy spine requires. The impact […]

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Healthy Sleep: How Much Sleep Do You Need? ā€œā€¦sleep? Nah, Iā€™ll sleep when Iā€™m dead.ā€ Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard someone say that before. Just be careful what you wish for. For years, sleep-deprived people tended to wear their exhaustion as a badge of honor that would portend, such a busy lifestyle, that the rest of […]

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A stress-free life is … non-existent. And if you say you live one, you’re either lying, delusional, or have an incredibly boring life. Which, that level of boredom would be stressful in itself! Stress is a part of everyday life. A Without it we would never get off the couch, let alone making progress at […]

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In the heart of Hopkins, Minnesota, Dr. Justin Lee DC offers specialized chiropractic care that goes beyond traditional treatments. With expertise in spinal corrective techniques, a focus on athletes, pre and post-maternal care, and specialized pediatric services, Dr. Lee is dedicated to transforming lives one spine at a time. Serving not only Hopkins but also […]

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Where to find the good Shhtuff. K Creek Ranch (Support these guys if possible!) https://kcreekranch.com US Wellness Meats Wild Pastures https://wildpastures.com Seven Sons (midwest) https://sevensons.net White Oak Pastures https://whiteoakpastures.com Primal Pastures https://primalpastures.com Grass Roots COOP https://grassrootscoop.com CSA – Minnesota https://minnesotagrown.com/csa/?gclid=CjwKCAiA-8SdBhBGEiwAWdgtcCsPE9kySKdoGE6Ro-ObBabqZd8YLSoUTjAxkC4mTqw1D-XgEbPT3RoCttUQAvD_BwE Imperfect Foods https://www.imperfectfoods.com Azure Standard https://www.azurestandard.com

Dr. Justin Lee, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic & Holistic Health

Dr. Justin Lee is a passionate chiropractor who believes in the innate healing potential within you. This passion stems from a personal experience in collegiate hockey, competitive CrossFit, and a relentless pursuit to holistically optimize performance and recovery. His professional mission is to help as many individuals and families as possible uncover the path to true health. He is dedicated to guiding them on how to integrate lifestyle changes for a sustainable and healthier future. All of which shapes his unique approach to personalized chiropractic care.

You are one ā€˜aJUSTINmentā€™ away from a healthier life.

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