Dr.'s Blog

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Regardless of where you’re at, how many times you’ve started – and then stopped… whatever the case may be, it’s NEVER too late to get healthy, and stay healthy. Exercise is one such factor that just can’t be ignored. Yes, most of us are aware of the importance of exercise. But it’s easy to lose […]

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As much as you’re going to hate me for saying this… You’re doing yourself a huge favor by getting that cardio in There. I said it. Ya, I’ve never been a huge fan of cardio either. And you weirdos out there that do enjoy it… well, you’re just special. (Ok, that’s a joke. I’m only […]

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And once again… masks are starting to resurface. Quite honestly. If you WANT to wear one, have at it. But don’t ENFORCE/MANDATE/REQUIRE it. It’s NOT supported by SCIENCE. Let alone, logical thought and basic understanding of physiology, virology, and immunology. References and Resources Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: […]

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Ah yes… New Year and your new resolutions. Many find the New Year a refreshing chance to set new visions, cast new goals, and venture into a fresh new year; leaving behind all unwanted and unnecessary life baggage. For others, it’s cringeworthy. The thought of a new goal, just because the calendar flipped over another […]

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This particular vitamin acts more like a hormone in the body, as is essential for… a bazillion functions in the body. A good chunk of the world, especially in Northern or Southern latitudes that experience seasons. Or, in areas where people don’t get outside, into the sun, regardless of the season. Yes, Vitamin D. But, […]

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ummmmm. CONGRATS on bringing new LIFE into the world! It’s truly an amazingly blissful, magical moment. You freaking ROCK. Enjoy all the little moments… they fly by! Your body has gone through a LOT of changes in the past 9 months. And delivery is quite the feat. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually… every way possible. Although priorities […]

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by Tammy Harstad Take Charge of your Health! As a nation we spend more on health care but are getting sicker every year. In an online article, “You Run a Health-Care Business Whether You Like It or Not,” Warren Buffett famously said, “GM is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.” In […]

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“Let thy food be thy medicine. And medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates (400 B.C) A classic, but it’s no secret, and your mother said it when you were a kid: eat your veggies. Guess what? She was right. In the United States, and other Westernized societies, health has taken a dramatic downturn in terms of […]

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American’s (and most people around the world) are CHRONICALLY dehydrated. [60-75% of American’s, to be exact.] A staggering percentage when you consider how vital water is to our overall well-being. Water is a necessary component for every cell and tissue in the body; for most physiological functions that occur and has even been referred to […]

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According to the research, It may be time to reconsider… Throughout the years, I’ve personally spoken with DOZENS of individuals who have gone through a spell of low back pain, chronic neck tension, and other issues who were immediately prescribed muscle relaxers from their primary care physician. They didn’t like the idea of being on […]

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The idea of ‘fasting’ seemed absolutely ludicrous to me when I first came across the idea… As an athlete, avid gym bro, and utterly brainwashed into all the conventional jargon; skipping meals seemed like the WORST thing you could possibly do when you were trying to be fit, and look good doing it. I dismissed […]

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As the 6th most common chronic disease in America, it’s an important issue to discuss — and even more important to address from a corrective standpoint than merely temporary symptom relief. || ALLERGIES || We see countless people dramatically improve with their allergy issues, and even completely reverse prior allergy problems! Sounds like magic, and […]

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It’s the greatest tool you have. What you Focus on… GROWS And Results Show. (-Some smart person) It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Maybe you were kicking ass at your job, school, and… life for a while. Super motivated, super driven, nothing could stop you… and then you hit a wall. Conscious is […]

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One of the smartest Financial decisions you can make, is investing in your Health -Dr. Justin Lee D.C “Eating healthy is too expensive.” “I don’t feel like paying for a gym membership.” “I just can’t help myself… I NEED my Netflix (binges) at night!! “Maybe I’ll start chiropractic care in a few months” “I’d love […]

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One of the FIRST things to change when changing your health, and your life. Sleep is a… Funny thing. It’s absolutely necessary for health and vitality, yet many of us have trouble getting enough. Whether that is self induced, or because of impeding factors inhibiting from getting adequate ZZZs. It’s hard, or impossible, to pinpoint […]

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So… SPINE SURGERY Worth it? Short answer: In most cases, NO. Of course, there’s a time and place. And thank goodness for the newer technologies to help as a last resort when needed. But for most people, resorting to surgery should NOT be the first, or second, or third… etc.. option. Which, is supported by […]

Dr. Justin Lee, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic & Holistic Health

Dr. Justin Lee is a passionate chiropractor who believes in the innate healing potential within you. This passion stems from a personal experience in collegiate hockey, competitive CrossFit, and a relentless pursuit to holistically optimize performance and recovery. His professional mission is to help as many individuals and families as possible uncover the path to true health. He is dedicated to guiding them on how to integrate lifestyle changes for a sustainable and healthier future. All of which shapes his unique approach to personalized chiropractic care.

You are one ‘aJUSTINment’ away from a healthier life.

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