Dr.'s Blog

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‘Here we go again…. Another “New Year, New Me” “This is MY year” “I’m going to do all the things, and be my healthiest self yet” We’ve ALL been there. Whether or not you’re a “New Year Resolutionist”, or not. Post holidays, and a fresh start to a New Year, does bring a time to […]

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Let’s get real for a second… Most people know they “should” be healthier during the holidays, but here’s what they don’t tell you: The average American gains only 1-2 pounds during the holiday season (NIH research), but what’s CRAZY is that most never lose it. Year after year, this creates a snowball effect that accounts […]

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Why Your Kids Can Benefit from Chiropractic Adjustments By adolescence, kids may clock in up to 11 hours of total screen time every day. Most of that time, they sit in a slumped position or a way that doesn’t properly support the spine. Overall, modern life neglects the support a healthy spine requires. The impact […]

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Healthy Sleep: How Much Sleep Do You Need? “…sleep? Nah, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” I’m sure you’ve heard someone say that before. Just be careful what you wish for. For years, sleep-deprived people tended to wear their exhaustion as a badge of honor that would portend, such a busy lifestyle, that the rest of […]

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A stress-free life is … non-existent. And if you say you live one, you’re either lying, delusional, or have an incredibly boring life. Which, that level of boredom would be stressful in itself! Stress is a part of everyday life. A Without it we would never get off the couch, let alone making progress at […]

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In the heart of Hopkins, Minnesota, Dr. Justin Lee DC offers specialized chiropractic care that goes beyond traditional treatments. With expertise in spinal corrective techniques, a focus on athletes, pre and post-maternal care, and specialized pediatric services, Dr. Lee is dedicated to transforming lives one spine at a time. Serving not only Hopkins but also […]

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Where to find the good Shhtuff. K Creek Ranch (Support these guys if possible!) https://kcreekranch.com US Wellness Meats Wild Pastures https://wildpastures.com Seven Sons (midwest) https://sevensons.net White Oak Pastures https://whiteoakpastures.com Primal Pastures https://primalpastures.com Grass Roots COOP https://grassrootscoop.com CSA – Minnesota https://minnesotagrown.com/csa/?gclid=CjwKCAiA-8SdBhBGEiwAWdgtcCsPE9kySKdoGE6Ro-ObBabqZd8YLSoUTjAxkC4mTqw1D-XgEbPT3RoCttUQAvD_BwE Imperfect Foods https://www.imperfectfoods.com Azure Standard https://www.azurestandard.com

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Quick n’ Easy answer: YES Ok.. sure.. I’m biased. But don’t take my word for it. I’ve linked DOZENS of studies below to reference in order for you to decide for yourself. OF COURSE, there are confounding studies out there. You can find studies/articles to support whatever you want these days. I simply provided a […]

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“Show me the research”… “It’s pseudoscience”… “Nothing to back it”… Hear it all the time (typically from older generations that bought into the bought propaganda that stems from the early 1900’s when the AMA and the rest of conventional medicine was trying to stamp out every single form of natural health care) This is NOT […]

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After all… it is YOUR body. YOUR health. If you want to smoke cigarets, drink soda, not exercise, and be a stressed out-negative person all day —- that’s YOUR choice to make! NO one, in any scenario, should force or coerce you into making a choice that affects your health. Which, we’ve learned from history. […]

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Chances are… You’ve just screwed with all the things necessary to sleep well. Don’t take it personally… MOST of us miss the mark with the simplest factors. Many of these things we may be aware of, or think might be good for us… but many times have never heard just how important they are. All […]

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Regardless of where you’re at, how many times you’ve started – and then stopped… whatever the case may be, it’s NEVER too late to get healthy, and stay healthy. Exercise is one such factor that just can’t be ignored. Yes, most of us are aware of the importance of exercise. But it’s easy to lose […]

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As much as you’re going to hate me for saying this… You’re doing yourself a huge favor by getting that cardio in There. I said it. Ya, I’ve never been a huge fan of cardio either. And you weirdos out there that do enjoy it… well, you’re just special. (Ok, that’s a joke. I’m only […]

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And once again… masks are starting to resurface. Quite honestly. If you WANT to wear one, have at it. But don’t ENFORCE/MANDATE/REQUIRE it. It’s NOT supported by SCIENCE. Let alone, logical thought and basic understanding of physiology, virology, and immunology. References and Resources Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes: […]

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Ah yes… New Year and your new resolutions. Many find the New Year a refreshing chance to set new visions, cast new goals, and venture into a fresh new year; leaving behind all unwanted and unnecessary life baggage. For others, it’s cringeworthy. The thought of a new goal, just because the calendar flipped over another […]

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This particular vitamin acts more like a hormone in the body, as is essential for… a bazillion functions in the body. A good chunk of the world, especially in Northern or Southern latitudes that experience seasons. Or, in areas where people don’t get outside, into the sun, regardless of the season. Yes, Vitamin D. But, […]

Dr. Justin Lee, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic & Holistic Health

Dr. Justin Lee is a passionate chiropractor who believes in the innate healing potential within you. This passion stems from a personal experience in collegiate hockey, competitive CrossFit, and a relentless pursuit to holistically optimize performance and recovery. His professional mission is to help as many individuals and families as possible uncover the path to true health. He is dedicated to guiding them on how to integrate lifestyle changes for a sustainable and healthier future. All of which shapes his unique approach to personalized chiropractic care.

You are one ‘aJUSTINment’ away from a healthier life.

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